The Lord’s Day

I love Sunday, also known as “The Lord’s Day”!  After celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and seeing each of the beautiful, faith-filled families at the Masses, I would have my lunch, watch sports games, and take a little siesta.  A day of prayer, rest and relaxation.  I remember when I was back in college at the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio.  On Sundays, I would spend those Lord’s days in the same way.  Heeding the advice of Professor Scott Hahn, I studied hard during the week so I could be free to truly celebrate the Lord’s Day (interesting note – I had my highest GPA during that time when I kept my Sundays free of “unnecessary work”).  Even as a child growing up, my family always set aside Sunday as a special day – Mass first, then to the field or court depending on what sports season it was, and then a nice Italian meal together.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Photo credit: Lawrence OP)

I pray that all Catholics get back to keeping Sundays holy, as a day specifically set apart for the Lord and spending time with family.

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